Our Provider

Catherine Fabian, Au.D.
Pediatric and Neuro Audiologist
Meet Catherine Fabian, Au.D.
Dr. Catherine Fabian received her doctorate in audiology from Northwestern University in 2008 after studying cognitive science and linguistics at UC San Diego. Known as “Dr. Cat” to her younger patients, her talents and interests lie in assessing and treating children, performing Central Auditory Processing Disorder evaluations, and providing rehabilitation through auditory training and hearing aid fittings for a variety of hearing and other auditory conditions. She is known for highly comprehensive and individualized assessments and treatment strategies. Each patient’s care is customized and advocacy-based to allow optimized access to communication, technology, and engagement.
Dr. Fabian’s primary clinical areas are CAPD across the lifespan, noise induced hearing loss, and tinnitus. Neural representation of music in the brain was the topic of her doctoral thesis, and Dr. Fabian continues to integrate her love for music professionally by providing hearing healthcare for musicians and music fans. Dr. Fabian has worked as an educational audiologist in public schools developing CAPD assessment and therapy programs, in medically diagnostic private practice dispensing hearing aids, and in hospital rehabilitation programs performing (C)APD research, assessment, and treatment. She also directed Universal Newborn Hearing Screening programs at hospitals throughout San Diego. She is now an Associate Professor of Clinical Instruction teaching in Northwestern University’s Doctor of Audiology program and is a committee chair on their Faculty Senate. Dr. Fabian continues to hold clinics at Synapse Advanced Audiology on select Saturdays throughout the year.
She strives to consolidate her professional expertise and passions into her teaching and practice to expand the reach of audiology and its specialties in order to increase early identification and management of hearing loss and other auditory disorders. Dr. Fabian is excited that Synapse Audiology leverages doctors’ expertise and passions into a comprehensive audiology practice that provides high level evidenced-based care for both straightforward and complex hearing needs of children and adults.